Part C - Picture Description

  • In this section, you are shown a few pictures and asked to describe what you see.
  • The more details you provide, the more advantageous it will be.
  • You need to start describing the picture from the most important point. For example, there may be a runway excursion in the picture. In this case, you can start the description with the sentence “This is a picture of runway excursion”.


  • Description of the aircraft (passenger, cargo, training, etc...)
  • Position (in the air, on the ground)
  • Living or unlively objects around
  • Description of what exactly you see in the picture (ready to take off, damage, about to land...)
  • What you see in the foreground and background
  • Weather conditions

Etc… and you can complete your description.

EPAP Format

You are shown 2 pictures in the Picture Description part in EPAP format.

After describing what you see in the picture in as much detail as possible, the examiner asks you at least 2 questions. You can find sample questions below.

EPAP Format – Part C Audio Recording Sample:

Picture 1

  • Please describe the picture in as much detail as possible.
  • How do you think the situation occurred?
  • What would you do as a pilot in such a situation?
  • What would the duties of the ground personnel be in this case of a situation?

Picture 2

  • Please describe the picture in as much detail as possible.
  • What would you do as a pilot in such a situation?
  • Could you please inform ATC about this situation?

TEC Format

You are shown an aviation related picture in the Picture Description in TEC format.

After describing what you see in the picture in as much detail as possible, the examiner asks you additional questions related to the subject. You can find sample questions below:

  • I want you to describe everything you see in this photo with as much detail as possible
  • Are you familiar with cargo operations?
  • What kind of cargo is transported in this aircraft?
  • Can you describe the weather conditions?
  • To end the interview is there any aviation related anecdote or incident that you can tell me about?

TEC Format - Part C Audio Recording Sample:

TEA Format

Picture Description in TEA format consists of 2 subsections.

1. Picture Description:

In this section, you are shown 2 pictures.

You are given 30 seconds to describe what you see in the first picture.

After the second picture is shown, you are asked additional questions related to the subject.

  • Please describe what you can see. You have 30 seconds.
  • I would like to ask some questions about second picture. What is the passenger doing?
  • What type of situation is this?
  • What do you think will happen next?
  • Both pictures show emergency situations. What are the main differences between them?
  • Why is the situation A not standard?
  • What is the same about the two situations?
  • In your opinion which situation looks more serious?
  • Why did you say that? You mentioned fire in picture B?

2. Discussion:

Based on the given pictures, a face-to-face discussion takes place about general aviation.

You have the opportunity for explaining your thoughts, making assumptions about the future, etc...

  • Now let’s discuss emergency situations. When is a situation an emergency situation?
  • What can cause the lack of control of the aircraft?
  • To which emergency situation should passengers be most worried about?
  • Why depressurization is one of the most dangerous situations for passengers?
  • In what ways to aviation personnel threats depressurization differently from other emergencies?
  • Can pilots descend immediately or do they need clearance?
  • Do you agree that the frequency of emergencies during flight is likely to drop in line with technological developments or other changes?
  • How are problems in the past reported so the industry could improve?
  • How would you suggest the aviation industry eases the anxiety of some passengers about flight safety?
  • How would you suggest the industry informs passengers better?

TEA Format - Part C Audio Recording Sample:

Sample Pictures


Sample description:
This is a picture of an Airbus 380 and I see that her right wing tip crashed into a building. The picture only shows the fuselage and the right wing of the aircraft. This may have happened after a runway excursion because the aircraft is standing on a grassy ground rather than a runway or a taxiway. It is probably a rainy day because I see that the sky is overcast by dark clouds. There are a few people and a few vehicles around the aircraft. I also see that there is an aircraft flying below the clouds. Also on the ground far away, I can see another building or hangar and another aircraft in front of it.

icaolevel-partc-birdstrike icaolevel-partc-sand icaolevel-partc-tail

Prepared by: Zehra Buberoğlu