Part A - Personal Interview & Opinions

Personal Interview & Opinions bölümü yaklaşık 10 dakika sürüyor.

Kişisel sorularla başlayıp havacılıkla ilgili sorularla devam ediyor. Bu bölümde size profesyonel hayatınızla ilgili sorular da yöneltiliyor. Verdiğiniz cevaplara göre examiner devam soruları da sorabiliyor.

Ayrıca sorular size yöneltilmeden önce ekranda gösterilen harf ve sayı okumalarını da yapmanız istenebilir.

Part A için örnek ses kayıtlarını aşağıda bulabilirsiniz:

EPAP Formatı:

TEC Formatı:

TEA Formatı:

Aşağıda listelenen sorular şimdiye kadar gerçek sınavda çıkmış ya da çıkması muhtemel sorulardır.

Personal Questions & Opinions

  1. Name Surname? Your License number?
  2. What is your nationality and country of residence?
  3. Please state if you are a student pilot or if you are a qualified pilot? If you are a qualified pilot, are you a captain or First Officer?
  4. What is the date for today? Which day is it?
  5. What is your marital status?
  6. What would you be, if you were not a pilot?
  7. Why pilotage?
  8. What was the reason behind your decision of becoming a pilot?
  9. Could you tell me about your pilot training?
  10. Which trainings do you have to take for ATPL license?
  11. Why do you have to fly at least 100 hours of solo?
  12. Why do you think you have to fly in different airfields during your training?
  13. What is the best and worst part of your training/ your school/ your pilotage course?
  14. Which part of the course is the most important part?
  15. Which part is the most challenging part during theoretical training?
  16. Are some parts of the training more difficult than others?
  17. Could you tell me about the aircraft you have flown during your training? Which one was your favourite?
  18. What does PPL stand for? (Cevaplarınızda kısaltma kullanıyorsanız bunların ne anlama geldiği ve nerede ya da ne için kullanıldığı sorulabilir.)
  19. Could you please tell me about your first solo flight?
  20. How do you think flight training has changed today? What are the differences in flight training compared to the past?
  21. For what purpose will you use your license in the future?
  22. What would you paint if you painted on an aircraft?
  23. Which company do you work for?
  24. Are you happy with your current company and why?
  25. What was your first day at work like?
  26. How long have you been flying?
  27. How many flight hours do you have? In which company?
  28. What do you find hardest about your job?
  29. What do you do for being a healthy pilot? What are your precautions for your health?
  30. What do you think about English standard in Turkish aviation?
  31. How long do you think it takes to become an experienced pilot?
  32. What is the most difficult part of pilotage?
  33. What is the best part of becoming a pilot?
  34. Do you enjoy some flights more than others?
  35. Do you prefer to fly during the day or at night? Why?
  36. How will your flight change in the future?
  37. How do you see the future of General Aviation?
  38. How do you see the future of Commercial Aviation?
  39. How do you handle stress in your professional life?
  40. How does stress affect pilots?
  41. Since you are a pilot, what changes happened in technology?
  42. What do you like and dislike about recovery training?
  43. What do you think about irregular working hours?
  44. What do you think about ATC in this country?
  45. What do you think about Phraseology in aviation?
  46. What do you think about people overreacting on the plane?
  47. What is your biggest worry while flying?
  48. What do you think about using electrical devices during flight?
  49. What do you think about the third airport which was constructed in Istanbul?
  50. In your opinion, which phase of the flight is more dangerous: landing or take off?
  51. Do you agree with the technologies that will replace pilots in the future? Why? Why not?
  52. Talk about the most beautiful airport you have ever landed at.
  53. What type of aircraft do you want to fly and why?
  54. Of all the cities you have visited as a pilot, which is your favourite?
  55. Which route would you prefer to fly, domestic or international? Why?
  56. Describe your most memorable flight.
  57. Do you think old aircrafts are safe for flight?
  58. Why do you think you are level 4/5/6?
  59. How will/did Corona virus affect the aviation industry?
  60. What does your family think about your job?
  61. What would be your advice to those who want to become a pilot?
  62. What measures does your company take for security?
  63. What do you do in your free time?
  64. What do you think makes you a pilot?
  65. What would you do, if you no longer fly due to medical reasons?
  66. How are the medical exams done?
  67. Who influences or supports you for this job?
  68. When you become a pilot, where would you like to travel first and why?
  69. Why does flying satisfy you?
  70. Why do you like flying?
  71. What are you doing nowadays?
  72. Which situation do you encounter or scared the most while flying?
  73. Describe what happened in your last simulator?
  74. What type of aircraft do you fly?
  75. Do animals pose a danger to flight? Do animals put flight safety in danger? (bird strike)
  76. Describe yourself?
  77. Describe your first flight?
  78. Describe your last flight?
  79. What is the difference between general aviation and commercial aviation?
  80. Describe what happened in your last solo flight?
  81. If it was the last day of your life, what would you do?
  82. How much authorities do you think the pilot have on flights?
  83. Do you think one pilot is enough in the cockpit for every flight?
  84. Do you think different kind of viruses will continue to affect the aviation industry in the future?
  85. How do you see job opportunities in Turkey?
  86. What do you think about the solar system?
  87. What do you think about a pilot who shows up late on the first day of the work?
  88. Why do you think you must show some respect to the captain pilot in the flight deck?
  1. What are the duties and responsibilities of pilots?
  2. What do pilots normally do while the passengers are boarding the aircraft?
  3. Before take-off, what do pilots consider and discuss about the flight?
  4. How does the weather problem affect communication? And how do pilots manage that difficulty?
  5. If there was a radio malfunction during the flight, what would you do?
  6. When communicating in emergency situations what extra problems could occur?
  7. How difficult is to communicate, if you have an emergency??
  8. Describe a bird strike?
  9. What measures should airports take to prevent bird strikes?
  10. Can you compare two different aircrafts?
  11. Can you compare flying in two different countries?
  12. How can a pilot avoid bad weather?
  13. What is the effect of heavy rain on flight?
  14. How do you keep your flight skills up to date?
  15. In what cases can the doctor suspend a pilot from the flight?
  16. What kind of medical problems are most common among the passengers during the flight?
  17. What happens in case of extreme turbulence?
  18. What are some of the disadvantages of training in the simulator compared to a real aircraft?
  19. What is data link? What are the disadvantages of data link?
  20. Can you talk about dangerous goods?
  21. Can you tell me a bit about flight safety?
  22. Which situation can cause the highest alertness level for a pilot?
  23. What are 4 most important instruments and their functions?
  24. What are the reasons of go around?
  25. When you initiate ‘’go around’’ what is the procedure and what do you have to focus on?
  26. What can confusion between pilot and ATC lead to?
  27. What is call sign confusing?
  28. When call sign confusion occurs, what happens? How can it be solved?
  29. What is runway incursion and excursion? What are the differences between them?
  30. Is it possible to prevent runway incursion or excursion? How?
  31. What is situational awareness?
  32. Why descent and approach briefings are important?
  33. Could you tell me something about pet animal transportation?
  34. Explain vertical and horizontal flight path?
  35. If the ILS failed during landing in fog, what would you do?
  36. Could you explain missed approach?
  37. What is precision approach?
  38. What are some common causes of fire in the galley?
  39. What could be some of the effects of Foreign Object Damage (FOD)?
  40. What is task sharing?
  41. What could be some of the situations when the sterile cockpit rules can be broken?
  42. What is human performance? Why is it important for aviation?
  43. If there is Prolonged Loss of Communication (PLOC) what can be done?
  44. What could be some of the wind shear avoidance and recovery techniques?
  45. In which phase is wind shear more dangerous? During take-off or landing?
  46. What are some of the interruptions and/or distractions on the flight deck?
  47. Why is cross check important for pilots?
  48. How is airworthiness connected to flight safety?
  49. Why is it important for pilots to be up-to date with manuals and regulations?
  50. What is holdover time?
  51. What are the types of fire that can occur in the aircraft?
  52. Is there any difference between safety and security?
  53. What are the measurements pilots must take in poor visibility?
  54. What is free delay?
  55. What is Conditional clearance?
  56. What is pre-flight? How can be done? What do you focus on during pre-flight?
  57. What does’’ you have control’’ mean? When is it used?
  58. Why would you tell the tower you want to fly at a higher altitude?
  59. Why do most crashes occur during approach and take off?
  60. What is circling approach?
  61. Could you tell me something about de-icing?
  62. What is Level bust?
  63. What is frequency congestion?
  64. What is taxi? Why do we use it?
  65. What is ramp service?
  66. What are the reasons of go around?
  67. What is hypoxia?
  68. What is wake turbulence and its problems?
  69. On the ground, when aircrafts are taxiing, it causes many accidents and incidents. What could be the reasons?
  70. How can we avoid accidents?
  71. What is ATIS?
  72. What could be the maintenance errors? Have you ever come across with such problem?
  73. Why do pilots need alternate flight routes?
  74. What are the results for unstable approach?
  75. What do you do during interior and exterior check?
  76. How do you avoid wind shear?
  77. What do you do before belly landing?
  78. How the radar system helps in flight?
  79. Could you tell me the importance of communication?
  80. What actions do pilots take in case of undesirable weather conditions?
  81. What do you do before starting push back?
  82. You took off above the Maximum Take Off Weight. What would happen?
  83. If there is fuel starvation on board, what do you do?
  84. Could you give an example of conditional clearance?
  85. Last minute changes can affect the flights. Can you give examples for last minute changes.
  86. What is the difference between minimum fuel and emergency fuel?
  87. What is CRM? What is the importance of CRM? What can happen to the flight if a captain doesn’t follow the CRM?
  88. The accidents usually happen during take-off and landing. What do you think could be the reason for this? How can it be prevented?
  89. You entered icing conditions. What would you do?
  90. What is microburst? How do you recover from it?
  91. How would you act if you experienced hydraulic failure during flight?
  92. What is situational awareness? Can you give an example of this?
  93. How does snow affect ground operations?
  94. What is fatigue?
  95. How do we prevent VORTEX?
  96. In which situations do you engage the autopilot and in which situation do you take direct control of the airplane?
  97. What are V1, Vr and V2?
  98. What is a TCAS?
  99. When can a pilot refuse an ATC’s instruction?
  100. As an F/O, what are your responsibilities and duties for the captain?
  101. How does density affect the flight?
  102. Your observation during flight may be a valuable source of information for ATC and other pilots. Please give 3 examples of information you may want to report to ATC or other pilots for safety related reasons.
  103. How would you prioritize your tasks in an emergency situation?
  104. Please give 3 examples of situation that would justify making a mayday call?
  105. Please give 3 examples of situation that would justify making a panpan call?
  106. What is the difference between incident and accident?
  107. What is runway obstruction? Give an example.
  108. What is sink rate?
  109. Please compare VFR and IFR.
  110. What are the examples of the loss of communication due to human errors?
  111. Give 2 medical emergency examples?
  112. What kind of measurements should be taken to reduce medical emergencies?
  113. Can you tell me the differences between controlled and uncontrolled airspace?
  114. What are the difficulties about short runway?
  115. What is the difference between de-icing and anti-icing?
  116. Have you ever been in a ground accident? How can we prevent ground accidents?
  117. How do you prevent midair collision?
  118. How should be the relationship between captain and first officer?
  119. What topics entertain you and the captain during long haul flights?
  120. How do you prepare yourself for day or night flights?
  121. Should pilots be retired before 60? Why? Why not?
  122. What is precautionary landing?
  123. Why do pilots say ‘’heavy’’?
  124. What are the results of fire on board?
  125. What are the reasons for runway incursion and excursions?
  126. What is NOTAM?
  127. What do you do during rejected take off?
  128. What is depressurization?
  129. What changes have happened in the cockpit in the last 20 years?
  130. Tell me something about low cost airlines?
  131. What would you do if your landing gear did not retract after take-off?
  132. What would you do if you realized the doors were still open after take-off?
  133. What could be the reason for turbulences?
  134. What would you do if there was a drunk passenger on board and he was not calming down?
  135. What must be done if there is a life-threatening situation on board, such as hijacking?
  136. What do you think about the delays due to VIP aircrafts or movements?
  137. If there was a bomb threat on board what would you do?
  138. What would you do when you faced with storms during flight?
  139. What is the difference between mayday and panpan call?
  140. What kind of icing equipment are on the aircraft?
  141. What happens if you encounter CB Clouds?
  142. Can you compare 2 different airports?
  143. Can you compare cargo and passenger aircraft?
  144. Have you ever misunderstood the tower? What could happen if you misunderstand the tower?
  145. Have you ever experienced ground movement?
  146. What is the most revolutionary aircraft for passengers?
  147. What are the factors that can affect stop distance?
  148. What is the most dangerous flight you have ever been in?
  149. What do airport authorization focus on at busy airports?
  150. Is the fire more dangerous in the air or on the ground?
  151. How does government flight effects flight operation?
  152. You are ready for departure but suddenly delay occurred. What do you say to the passengers?
  153. What does a pilot do if he is not feeling well before the flight?
  154. What are the technical problems at airports?
  155. What kind of problems occur during cargo operations?
  156. What should we do in order to decrease medical emergencies?
  157. What do you think about wild animals in aviation?
  158. How do you prevent accidents during night?
  159. After take off what kind of problems can you encounter?
  160. What the investigation team should focus on during investing the accident?
  161. How 11 September changed the flight safety?
  162. What are the treats you can encounter during approach?
  163. What are the responsibility of airport authorization if there is an accident at the airport?
  164. What is ditching? What is the procedure before ditching into water?
  165. Do you think is it better to make preflight by automachine instead of human pilot?
  166. What are the precautions you take for security during flight or on the ground?
  167. If you make mistakes, how do you recover from that mistake during the flight?
  168. If you come across with volcanic ash, what would you do?
  169. Can you compare the pilots of 50 years ago with the pilots of today?
  170. How much authorities do you think the pilot have on flights?
  171. What are the disadvantages of long-haul flights?
  172. How do you handle jet lag?
  173. What are the advantages and disadvantages of briefing?
  174. What can you tell me about air spaceship?
  175. Do you think passengers and dangerous goods can be transferred together?
  176. How smoke, fire and passenger are related to each other?
  177. What is the purpose of passenger baggage identification?
  178. What are the difficulties flying abroad?
  179. What kind of problem can passengers cause when flying?
  180. Why is coordination between airports and a flight crew required?
  181. What is near miss?
  182. What may cause a lack of fuel in flight?
  183. What action shall be taken in case of pilot’s incapacitation?
  184. How realistic are simulator flights?
  185. What airport vehicles are involved in the pre-flight preparation?
  186. Which vehicles are used at the airports?
  187. Why does the flight delay?
  188. What could cause landing gear failure?
  189. What is air rage?

Hazırlayan: Zehra Buberoğlu

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