Başvuru sırasında geçerli bir dil belgesi sunan adaylar ilk aşama olan Havacılık İngilizcesi Sınavı’ndan muaf oluyor ve sürece Yetkinlik Değerlendirmesi (CRM) aşamasından dahil oluyor.
Başvuru esnasında veya sonrasında dil belgesi sunamayan adaylar ise, Florya’daki THY Uçuş Eğitim Başkanlığı’nda yapılan Havacılık İngilizcesi Sınavına davet ediliyor. Sınav yaklaşık 100-150 bilgisayarlı bir test odasında gerçekleştiriliyor.
- Sınavı olumlu olan adaylar sürece Yetkinlik Değerlendirmesi (CRM) aşamasından devam ediyor.
- Sınavı olumsuz sonuçlanan adaylar ise aynı ilan sürecinde bu sınava bir süre sonra tekrar girebiliyor ya da ilanda belirtilen geçerli bir dil belgesi sunup bu sınavdan muaf oluyor ve sürece kaldığı yerden devam edebiliyor.
Yayınlanan ilan metinlerinde,
1. Gün: Evrak Kontrolü, Havacılık İngilizcesi Sınavı, Yetkinlik Değerlendirmesi
şeklinde planlama yapılabileceği belirtilse de, bu aşamalar yoğunluğa bağlı olarak farklı günlerde, hatta farklı haftalarda ya da aylarda da olabiliyor.
Havacılık İngilizcesi Sınavı Nedir?
Havacılık İngilizcesi Sınavı aday ile bilgisayar arasında gerçekleştirilen bir İngilizce yeterlilik sınavıdır. Bu sınav teknik bilgiden ziyade havacılıkla ilgili konularda İngilizce’yi etkin ve uygun bir biçimde kullanma kabiliyetinizi ölçer.
Sınav 3 bölümden oluşuyor:
- Part 1 - General Aviation Questions
- Part 2 - Scenerios
- Part 3 - Picture Description
Sınav öncesi yetkililer tarafından size tüm bilgiler veriliyor.
Fotoğraf çekiminiz yapıldıktan sonra sınav için hazırlanan sınıflara giriyorsunuz.
Sınav öncesi size verilen kulaklık ve mikrofonu test etmek için Record tuşuna basıp sesinizi kaydediyor, ve sonra Listen tuşuna basıp sesinizi dinliyorsunuz. Bu kontrolü tamamladıktan sonra Exit tuşuna basıp ana ekrana dönüyor ve gözetmenler eşliğinde sınava başlıyorsunuz.
Sınav yaklaşık 25 dakika sürüyor.
Sınav Warm Up Questions olarak adlandırabileceğimiz sizinle ilgili temel sorularla başlıyor. (Adınız, Soyadınız, Uçuş saatiniz, Hangi pozisyona başvurduğunuz vb.)
Her soru veya senaryo 2 kez tekrarlanıyor.
Duyduğunuz sesin bilgisayardan geldiğini ve mekanik bir ses olduğunu unutmayınız. Dolayısıyla çok anlaşılır bir ses olmayacağını bilmenizde fayda var.
Sınav için öğrencilerden alınan geri bildirimlerle hazırladığımız soru havuzu çok geniş olduğu ve devamlı güncellendiği için sürekli pratik yapmak gerekiyor.
Cevap verirken mümkün olduğu kadar havacılık terimlerini kullanmaya çalışın.
Sınav için pratik yaparken ses kaydı alıp sonra kendinizi kayıttan dinlemeniz bir çok hatanızı görmenize büyük katkı sağlar.
Cevabını bilmediğiniz bir soru ile karşılaştığınızda sessiz kalmak ya da direkt bir sonraki soruya geçmek yerine bildiğiniz kadarıyla yanıtlamaya çalışın. Bu da mümkün değilse sorunun size çağrıştırdığı benzer bir konu hakkında konuşarak da yanıt verebilirsiniz.
Toplu olarak sınava girdiğiniz için sınav sırasında diğer adayların seslerini duyabiliyorsunuz. O sebeple sınava çalışırken sesli ortamları tercih edebilirsiniz.
Part 1 - General Aviation Questions
Bu bölümde havacılık ile ilgili 4 ila 6 soru soruluyor.
Hazırlık süresi: | : 15 sn |
Konuşma süresi: | : 1 dk |
Sorular sesli olarak soruluyor ve ekranda gözükmüyor.
Not alma şansınız olmadığı için uzun sorulara çok iyi odaklanmanız gerekiyor.
Aşağıda gerçek sınavda çıkmış soruların listesini bulabilirsiniz. Adaylardan gelen geri bildirimler neticesinde oluşturulmuş bu havuzdaki tüm soruları cevaplamanız faydalı olacaktır.
Soruları cevaplarken ses kaydı alıp daha sonra dinleyerek hatalarınızı düzeltebilirsiniz.
Cevabını bilmediğiniz bir soru ile karşılaştığınızda sessiz kalmak ya da direkt bir sonraki soruya geçmek yerine bildiğiniz kadarıyla yanıtlamaya çalışın. Bu da mümkün değilse sorunun size çağrıştırdığı benzer bir konu hakkında konuşarak da yanıt verebilirsiniz.
Soruyu cevaplarken geçmiş tecrübelerinizi anlatabilir, okuduğunuz bir kaynak veya izlediğiniz bir belgeselden örnekler verebilir ve bu şekilde size verilen süreyi tamamlayabilirsiniz.
Cevap verirken olabildiğince havacılık terminolojisini kullanmak yararlı olacaktır.
Örnek Sorular:
- What are some common causes of fire in the galley?
- What are some of the factors which can affect the airworthiness of an aircraft?
- What could be some of the effects of Foreign Object Damage (FOD)?
- What are some of the things the pilot should take into account when performing a go-around?
- When you do ‘’go around’’ what is the procedure and what do you have to focus on?
- In your own words please describe what ‘’task sharing’’ is.
- What are the some of the things pilots can do when there are competing tasks in the cockpit?
- What is human performance? Why is it important for aviation?
- If there has been Prolonged Loss of Communication (PLOC) what are some of the things that can be done?
- What could be some of the wind shear avoidance and recovery techniques?
- What are some interruptions and distractions on the flight deck?
- Why is cross check important for pilots?
- How is airworthiness connected to flight safety?
- Why is it important for pilots to be up-to date with manuals and regulations?
- Why is it important to be familiar with holdover time?
- Why do you think it could be dangerous to accept an incomplete read-back?
- What are some types of fire that can occur on the aircraft?
- Is there any difference between safety and security?
- What are some of the factors that may contribute to approach and landing accidents?
- What are the measurements pilots must take in poor visibility?
- What are some of the disadvantages of using Datalink in the cockpit?
- In your experience what could be some of the causes of Prolonged Loss of communication (PLOC)?
- Why is good radio discipline important for communication between pilot and ATC?
- What are some of the precautions flight crews must take at the indication, suspicion of smoke and fumes, or a fire within the aircraft?
- Why is it important for pilot to be aware of the Dangerous goods Regulations?
- In your own words describe what is meant by Air-ground communication?
- How can interruptions and distractions in the cockpit be reduced?
- What could be some of the difficulties faced with in trying to establish a sterile cockpit?
- What are the some of the dangers that can be caused by bleed air leak?
- Under what conditions would pilots have to dump fuel?
- Why is it important to actively listen to air ground communications?
- What are some of the reasons that can negatively affect situational awareness?
- Why is it important to be familiar with Standard Operation Procedures?
- What is the position you are applying for? And what is the reason?
- What is data link?
- Can you talk about dangerous goods?
- Can you tell me a bit about flight safety?
- Which situation can cause the highest alertness level for a pilot?
- What is 4 most important instruments and their functions?
- In the future, the aircraft without windows will be designed in the scope of fuel efficiency. What do you think about this?
- When you do ‘’go around’’ what is the procedure and what do you have to focus on?
- What do you think about irregular working hours?
- What do you think about Phraseology in aviation?
- What can confusion between pilot and ATC lead to?
- When Callsign confusion occurs, what happens? How can it be solved?
- What are runway incursion and excursion. What are the differences between them?
- What is situational awareness?
- Why descend and approach briefings are important?
- Could you tell me something about animal transportation?
- Explain vertical and horizontal flight path?
- Could you explain a missed approach?
- What is precision approach?
- Why pilot’s awareness decreases?
- What is callsign confusion?
- Can you give an example for bird hazards?
- What is free delay?
- What is Conditional clearance?
- Is 1 year enough for being an experience pilot?
- What must be done if there was fire on the ground or in the air? Which one is more dangerous?
- What is preflight? How can be done? What do you focus on during preflight?
- What are some of the disadvantages of training in the simulator compared to a real aircraft?
- What does ’’you have control’’ mean? When is it used?
- Why would you tell the tower you want to fly at a higher altitude?
- Why do most crashes occur during approach and take-off?
- What is circling approach?
- Could you tell me something about de-icing?
- What is frequency congestion?
- What is Level bust?
- What is the most difficult part of pilotage?
- What is ramp service?
- Why do pilots go around?
- What do you think about people overreacting on the plane?
- What is wake turbulence and its problems?
- On the ground, when airplanes are taxiing, it causes many accidents and incidents. What could be the reasons?
- How can we avoid the accidents?
- What do you do during interior and exterior (walk around) check?
- Last minute changes can affect the flight. Can you give examples for last minutes changes?
- What could be some of the effects of Foreign Object Damage (FOD)?
- What is ATIS?
- What could be the maintenance errors? Have you ever come across with such problem?
- Why do pilots need alternate flight routes?
- What actions do pilots take in case of undesirable weather conditions?
- What do pilots do in case of sudden depressurisation?
- What is the ice protection system in flight?
- What is fatigue?
- What is the importance of time in flight?
- Is it possible to prevent runway incursion? How?
- How can a pilot avoid bad weather?
- What do you do before start push back?
- What do you think about using electrical devices during flight?
- You took off above the maximum take-off weight. What would happen?
- What do you think about the third airport which was constructed in Istanbul?
- What is difference between minimum fuel and emergency fuel?
- What is CRM? What is the importance of CRM? What can happen to the flight if a captain doesn’t follow the CRM?
- What is the importance of hypoxia being realized by the cabin crew?
- What is the best part of becoming a pilot?
- How do you spend your free times at best?
- How does stress affect pilots?
- How do you think flight training has changed today?
- Please describe lightning strike?
- You entered icing conditions? What would you do?
- What is windshear? How do you avoid windshear?
- What is microburst? How do you recover from it?
- What is emergency tools? Why do we use them? Why is it important?
- You are the Boeing 777 captain and you have overheated situation in business section? Do you think it is an emergency?
- There is smoke coming out of the coffee machine in the galley. What would you do?
- Describe a bird strike incident?
- What would you do if your landing gear did not retract after take-off?
- What is stall?
- What happens if the cabin pressure decreases suddenly?
- What is the importance of using check list?
- What are dangers of flying in icing conditions?
- What features should the flight instructors have?
- Can you compare Airbus and Boeing cockpits?
- Which emergency is most important for you?
- Do you think is there a pilot who has fear of flight?
- What is TAF? Why is it important?
- What kind of things should be improved on aircrafts and why?
- How do you handle fatigue?
- What is clear flight deck composition?
- How does snow affect ground operations?
- What is the importance of perception in aviation?
- What is the importance of psychology in aviation?
- What are the reasons for delay during landing?
- Why cabin crew has to be well trained?
- Why flying chief’s job is important?
- How do you see the future of THY?
- How do you refuel when there are passengers on board?
- Why is time management important in aviation?
- What are the difficulties flying in zero visibility?
- What is restricted area? Why shouldn’t we enter? What happens if we enter?
- What would you do if the cabin crew exaggerate some issue with the passengers?
- Why general physics knowledge is important for aviation?
- What is runway contamination?
- What do you think is the general characteristic of aviation?
- Can you tell me the airport markings on the runway?
- Can you talk about the safety culture in aviation in your country.
- Why pilots have to wear reflective jacket during exterior check?
- What do you know about Ebola virus? Does it have any effect on flights?
- If the student pilot encounter with bird strike , what should they do?
- How do you prevent vortex?
- What is clear air turbulence?
- What is noise abatement?
- What are the most important phases of the flight?
- Which circumstances can cause a pilot to change the route?
- What do you think about autonomy aircraft?
- What is turnover or turnaround? (dönüş bacağı)
- How 11 September terrorist attack change the safety rules?
- What changes happened in cockpits in 20 years?
- What is fuel dumping? What are the reasons for fuel dumping? What should we do during fuel dumping?
- What is sink rate?
- What is workload?
- Why is external check important for flight?
- What is CAT Operation?
- What is airmanship?
- What are the factors that change lift?
- What is dump runway?
- If Turkey produced commercial aircraft what could be like?
- If the runway surface and parking area has heating system what could be the effect on the icing conditions?
- What are the threats you can encounter during approach?
- What is the difference between reality and expectation?
- Which aircraft are safer? The aircraft 20 years ago or the aircraft now?
- Why do we need upset recovery?
- Do you think cabin and cockpit duties are equal?
- What is Hydro planning?
- How does team work becomes poor?
- What is the visual illusion?
- What are the things we should be focusing on before push back?
- What do you think about autonomy aircraft replacing the human pilot in the future?
- Do you think different kind of viruses will continue to affect the aviation industry in the future?
- What are the main differences between passenger and cargo aircraft?
- How much authorities do you think the pilot have on flights?
- What are the disadvantages of long-haul flights?
- Do you think one pilot is enough in the cockpit for every flight?
- What is the importance of medical performance?
- What is level flight?
- What could be passengers’ risk that you encounter during flight?
- What are the importance of following the instruction given by ATC?
- What is trash hold?
- Which aircraft do you prefer? Boeing or Airbus?
- What is the importance of setting up a hierarchy between captain and FO?
- What is the importance of learning aviation’s theoretical subjects?
- What are some of the effects of strong wind on the ground?
- Which ground personal does need academic training?
- What kind of issues can complexity on airport operation create?
- What can be done in order to handle busy international airports operation?
- What are the difficulties when you fly with an airline aircraft comparing to small training aircraft?
- What is jetlag?
- What could be some of the outcomes of fuel leakage?
- Why is take-off briefing important for flights?
- What is the importance of using aviation terminology in aviation?
- What can misunderstand ATC lead to?
- What is the importance of getting confirmation from ground stations?
- What are the difficulties of using aviation terminology under stressful situations?
- What is fatigue management?
- How can an aircraft fly?
- What could be some of the reasons of landing on incorrect runway?
- What are the reasons of having a lot of terminology for aviation?
- Why acronym is important in aviation?
- What are the effects of environmental factors at airports?
- What benefits does the Istanbul Airport have?
- What should we focus on during taxi?
- What is the importance of sharing information with the crew?
- What kind of instruction would you expect from ATC after runway excursion
- What is mid-air collision and importance of it?
- How does attitude of pilots affect communication?
- What is STAR?
- What is fuel starvation?
- What are the effects of insomnia on pilots?
Part 2 - Scenarios
Bu bölümde size havacılıkla ilgili 3 ya da 4 tane senaryo veriliyor.
Her senaryo 2 kez tekrarlanıyor ve ardından sorular soruluyor.
Senaryo ve soruları sesli olarak veriliyor ve ekranda gözükmüyor.
Hazırlık süresi: | : 15 sn |
Konuşma süresi: | : 2 dk |
Senaryoların ardından sadece 3 temel soru gelebilir gibi gözükse de farklı sorular sorulabiliyor. Bu soruları aşağıdaki listede bulabilirsiniz.
Emergency senaryoların hepsi için genel bir format belirlenebilir. (Aviate Navigate Communicate prensibi, company procedures, check list, flight safety, passenger safety gibi…) Sorunun içeriğine göre bu format modifiye edilip kullanılabilir.
Senaryo sorularını cevaplarken Panpan, Mayday, Request (take-off, landing, divert, medical assistance, emergency services, on arrival, in position…) gibi resmi communcation kalıplarını kullanmakta fayda var.
Örnek Senaryolar ve Sorular:
In this section you will be asked to comment or respond a situation. Please, tell us what you would do and/or how you would handle the situation. You have 2 minutes to respond.
1. You are the pilot in command of TK788 with 135 passengers and 5 crew.
You are on final approach when a bird strikes one of the engines
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
2. You are the pilot in command of TK123 enroute at FL345 when a smoke
detector goes off.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
3. You are the pilot in command of Swissair788 with 120 passengers and 5
crew, enroute at FL330. You noticed that you are having electrical
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
4. You are the pilot in command of TK123 with 187 passengers enroute at
FL340 when the cabin chief reported an unusual odour on board.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
5. You are the pilot in command of Skyair145 with 241 people on board and
enroute FL360, when the cabin chief tells you that a number of food items
had caught fire in the aft galley
a. Give an example of what you would tell your passengers.
6. You are the pilot in command of TK467 with 122 people on board as you
are accelerating for take-off, you received several brake
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
7. You are the pilot in command of TK123. The aircraft is climbing out of
İstanbul with 132 passengers on board. You received low oil quantity
indication on the right engine.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
8. You are the pilot in command of AsianAir123. The aircraft is enroute at
FL320 when you decide to announce emergency descent due to loss of cabin
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
9. You are the pilot in command of TK123 with 110 people on board, enroute
at FL370 when your co-pilot becomes incapacitated.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
10. You are the pilot in command of TK123 climbing out of Istanbul you
realized that at FL100 you cannot fully retract the landing gear.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
11. You are the pilot in command of TK123 enroute at FL360 and notice that
the standby generator had failed.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
12. You are the pilot in command of TK455 enroute at FL350 when you suspect
a possible fuel leak.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
13. You are the pilot in command of TK123 with 210 people on board enroute
FL310 you are informed that the airport is closed due to construction and
there is another airport with short rwy.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
14. You are the pilot in command of TK123 climbing out of Istanbul and at
FL230 you notice that you are encountering hydraulic failure
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
15. You are the pilot in command of TK123 with 166 people on board enroute
at FL 290 when you notice engine vibration.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
16. You are the pilot in command of TK123 when cabin chief reported a smoke
on board coming from a coffee maker.
a. Please give 3 advice to cabin chief.
17. You are in Crouse and you have 2 hours to destination when there is an
unruly passenger on board.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
18. You are the pilot in command of TK123 with 150 enroute FL 330 when ATC
reported that a part of your tire is on the ground.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
19. You are the pilot in command of TK123, enroute at FL340 when the cabin
crew has injured due to severe turbulence.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
20. You are the pilot in command of TK123 when there is a passenger who is
having a heart attack.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
21. You are the pilot in command of TK123 with 110 people on board, you are
on approach when you realized your flaps are asymmetric.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
22. You have clearance from ATC for take -off, but the First Officer feels
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
23. You are approaching to the airport you have a landing clearance but
suddenly you see an aircraft on the runway.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
24. You are the pilot in command of TK123 and on approach. You have a heavy
aircraft in front of you and you are expecting wake turbulence.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would tell your passengers.
25. You are the pilot in command of SwissAir555 when you realized you have
ultra-light aircraft on your route.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
26. You are the pilot in command of TK123 with 166 people on board enroute
at FL 290 when the First Officer got poisoned from the food.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
27. You are the pilot in command of TK123 climbing out of Istanbul you
realize that you have lost right engine.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would tell the passengers.
28. You are in take-off role and you had lightning strike.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
29. You are on cruise at FL350. You have communication failure.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
30. You are a First Officer. Your captain is not feeling good and the
weather condition is poor.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
31. There is smoke in the cabin.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
32. You are the pilot in command of TK123 when you heard cabin chief and
the cabin crew are arguing.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
33. You are the pilot in command of TK123. You are carrying a radioactive
material when the cabin chief tells you the passenger are starting to feel
ill effect.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
34. Your fan blades are broken and you are on the ground.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
35. You are the pilot in command of TK123. You took off but your landing
gear is not retracted.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
36. You are the pilot in command of TK123 when you see smoke in the cockpit
and you get wire smoke.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
37. If you decided to reject take off.
a. What would you tell the tower?
38. You are the pilot in command of TK123. You have been hi-jacked by two
a. What is your course of action?
39. You are the pilot in command of TK123 at the landing phase and you are
subject to windshear.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
40. You are the pilot in command of TK455 and your speed is over 90 kt when
you realized your cockpit window is open.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
41. You are the pilot in command of SwissAir778 and you had lightning
strike and your avionic is gone.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
42. You are the pilot in command of TK123 and your landing gear is not
deployed and you have to make belly landing.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
43. You are captain and returning the cockpit from the toilet, but the
cockpit door is closed and the First Officer is not responding.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
44. You are airborne and you see an object in the air. Your First Officer
also saw the object.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
45. You are the pilot in command of TK123 and you had low pressure alert in
the cockpit.
a. What is your course of action?
46. You are the pilot in command of TK123 and you had air conditioning
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
47. You are the First Officer of TK123 and your captain is
a. Communicate with the cabin and handle the situation.
48. You are the pilot in command of TK123 and you took off from Atatürk
Airport to İzmir Adnan Menderes Airport when the cabin pressure
a. What would you tell your FO?
49. The signal of generator failure is on.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
50. You calculated runway contamination. But the take-off distance is not
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
51. You are on the ground cabin chief tells you there is someone who wants
to see you and she is a wife of a diplomat.
a. Give an example of what you would say to the ATC regarding your
b. Give an example of what you would tell the cabin chief.
52. TCAS gives you warning about increasing the altitude but ATC instructed
you to decrease altitude.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
53. 2 hijackers got into cockpit and they have guns. They told you to land
at another airport.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
54. You are on final. Your nose wheel is deflated.
a. Give an example of what you would say to the ATC regarding your
55. You are the pilot in command of TK123. It has been snowing for 25
minutes. And the wing surfaces has snow piles.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
56. You are the pilot in command of TK123. You realized that the First
Officer doesn’t have enough aviation knowledge.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
57. You are the pilot in command of TK123. GPWS is not working and you are
flying towards the mountains.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
58. You are the First Officer of TK123. You are at landing phase. ATC
reported that the runway is closed. But captain insisted you to
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
59. You are the captain of Boeing 737 and on approach. You overwing slide
has exploded.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
60. You are the captain of TK123. You are on approach over London. You are
at 4000ft. And dme is 15 nm when you have bird strike.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
61. You realised that you have critical fuel after 3 hours from
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
62. After take-off. you are at 5000 ft. You realized one of the passengers
is not going where you are going.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
63. Your fuel is criti
c. There is gust on rwy.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
64. If there was a malfunction on one of your instruments
a. What would be your course of action?
65. If the ILS fails during landing in fog.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
66. If there is fuel starvation on board.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
67. Toilets are blocked. Flight attendants tell you that they have a
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
68. When you are taxiing in the ramp area you were given access for gate.
But another aircraft start taxiing to your gate.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
69. You are climbing at 9000 ft. cabin crew informed that there is fume on
board and you realized your right engine is on fire. You extinguished the
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
70. During take -off role you rejected the take-off due to ‘’abnormal
engine conditions’’.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
71. After take-off during climbing 10.000 feet you realized that you have
more fuel consumption than expected. When you check, you found out you
didn’t retract your landing gears.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
72. You are in briefing room and you are the captain of Boeing 737. You
have the documents about your flight and you went to gate. But you saw A320
at the gate.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
73. If you had hydraulic problem during flight.
a. What would you do?
74. You are the captain of the aircraft and you entered cockpit. You
realized FO looks exhausted / fatigue.
a. What is the course of action?
75. You had loss of pressure. You need to descend 13.000 ft. but you are
275 nm south of your original destination.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
76. You are at long-haul flight and cabin crew reported that there were 2
passengers fighting.
a. What is your course of action
77. You realized your taxiway is closed after landing.
a. What is your course of action?
78. While taxiing, before take-off, the purser came and told that there is
a fainted passenger on board.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
79. If you are about to enter NOTAM area because ATC instructed you
a. Give an example of what you would say to the ATC regarding your
b. Give an example of what you would tell your passengers.
80. You are on ILS final approach. The aircraft ahead of you executed go
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
81. The aircraft comes from Heathrow to Turkey. But the fuel is at
emergency fuel level. There is not enough fuel to turn back
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
82. You had turbulence and one passenger had panic attack. You decided to
make emergency landing.
a. Give an example of what you would tell your passengers
83. Your cabin pressure decreased during flight from Turkey to
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
84. If there is a RASH on passengers’’ faces.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
85. You saw a tire on runway and you are on low approach.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
86. There is a pregnant passenger on board and she doesn’t feel good. It is
getting worse.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
87. You didn’t exceed V1. Another aircraft coming towards you.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
88. You are a captain Pilot of TK123. Your First Officer hasn’t been
prepared for flight.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
89. You entered restricted area.
a. What is your course of action?
90. You are cruising at 10.000 ft. But the cabin crew reported that there
was a smoke at the back of the aircraft.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
91. Your aircraft’s landing gear didn’t deploy.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
92. You heard an explosion noise and the engine shut down.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
93. You are about to take -off and you saw one jet is taking off in front
of you.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
94. You took off from Istanbul and you are over Black Se
a. You have
oil leakage on the left engine and you shut down the left engine. You
decided to turn back to Istanbul Airport.
a. Give an example of what you would say to the ATC regarding your
b. Give an example of what you would tell your passengers.
95. You are on approach. The taxiway which is instructed by ATC is
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
96. You are on final approach at 800 ft. There is low visibility. You
suddenly lost ILS.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
97. You are climbing out of Istanbul and there is a flame one of your
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would tell your passengers.
98. You are a flight instructor and you are flying with student pilot when
you are having unreliable speed problem.
a. How do you explain this situation to your student pilot?
Give an example of what you would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
99. You are captain of TK123. You are flying from Athens to Berlin. You are
at FL110 with 120 passengers. After take-off your windshield
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
100. You are in take-off position. One of the passengers wants to get off
the plane.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
101. You are captain of TK123. You are cruising at FL320. You need to
divert to nearest airport for some reason. You need to dump fuel.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
102. You landed at incorrect airport.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
103. You are the captain of TK123. There is one passenger who is smoking on
the aircraft.
a. Ask 3 questions for cabin chef.
104. You are the First Officer. And you realized that your captain is
losing the situational awareness.
a. What would you tell the captain?
105. You are a flight instructor and you are flying with student pilot. But
your student pilot put the aircraft in stall position.
a. What would you tell your student pilot?
106. You are the captain of TK123. The cabin crew reported that an old
passenger has gone to the toilet and hasn’t come back yet. They said there
is no sound coming from the toilet.
a. Ask 3 question to Cabin Crew.
107. You are the captain of TK123. You are on approach. You caught up to
severe turbulence and 15 of your passengers and 2 cabin crew got
a. What is your course of action?
108. There are 2 heavy aircraft. One of them, is you?
a. How would you do the separation?
109. You are the pilot in command of TK123, enroute at FL340. There are
injured passengers due to severe turbulence.
a. Give 3 advice to cabin chief
110. You are the pilot in command of TK123, enroute at FL 360 and you are
over the Pacific Ocean. There is a pregnant lady on board and her
construction started.
a. What is your course of action?
111. You are the captain of TK123, you got hit by lightning strike from the
a. What is your course of action?
112. You are the captain of Tk123. You are at FL 320 and you realized your
APU hatch is open. Your intention is to contact with ground
a. What would you tell ground personal?
113. You are in take-off position. You saw an object on the runway?
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
114. You are the captain of TK425. You get low pressure alert from
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
115. You are the captain of TK123. Cabin chief tells you that one of the
toilets is on fire.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
c. Give an example of
what you would tell your passengers.
116. You are the captain of TK123. First Officer tells you that he has a
stomach ache after eating the meal.
a. What is your course of action?
117. You are the pilot captain of TK123. You calculated runway
contamination but your take-off distance is not enough.
a. What is your course of action?
118. You are the captain of TK123. You were informed that you forgot one of
the passengers during taxi.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
119. You are the captain of TK123. Your passengers have seen icing on the
wings before take-off.
a. What is your course of action?
120. You are on final approach. And you get sink rate warning at 800 ft
a. What is your course of action?
121. You are the captain of TK123. While you are climbing out of İstanbul
you get vibration from left engine. Then tower informed that you had smoke
on the left engine.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
122. You are the captain of TK123. During cruise the ATC inadvertently
directed you in NOTAM area.
a. What is your course of action?
b. What would you tell ATC?
123. You are the pilot in command of TK123. You noticed that your oil
temperature is increasing.
a. What is your course of action?
b. Give an example of what you
would say to the ATC regarding your intension(s).
124. You are the pilot of TK 231. You are on approach and you are having
engine problem. But you have to land contaminated rwy.
a. What is your course of action?
Part 3 - Picture Description
Bu bölümde size 2 veya 3 tane resim gösteriliyor.
Her resimden sonra ilgili resmi olabildiğince detaylı bir şekilde tanımlamanız isteniyor.
Hazırlık süresi: | : 15 sn |
Konuşma süresi: | : 1 dk |
Resimleri tanımlarken mümkün olduğunca detay vermeye çalışın.
Resmi anlatmaya en önemli noktadan başlamanız gerekmektedir. Örneğin resimde gördüğünüz bir runway excursion olabilir. Bu durumda “This is a picture of runway excursion” cümlesi ile anlatıma başlayabilirsiniz.
- Uçağın tanımı (yolcu, kargo, eğitim vs…)
- Pozisyonu (havada, yerde)
- Etraftaki canlı ya da cansız objeler
- Resimde gördüğünüz olayın tanımı (ready to take off, damage, about to land..)
- Ön plan ve arka planda gördükleriniz
- Hava şartları
gibi detayları vererek anlatımınızı tamamlayabilirsiniz.
Sadece resimde gördüklerinizi anlatmakla kalmayıp resimde meydana gelen olayın sebebi hakkında da yorumlar ekleyebilirsiniz. Örneğin bir “runway excursion” resmi tanımlıyorsanız bu olayın neden olmuş olabileceği hakkında yorum yapabilirsiniz.
Bu bölümle ilgili pratik yapmak için aşağıda örneklenen resimlerin benzerlerini internette bulabilirsiniz.
Resimlerin sadece kaza kırım değil, operasyon resimleri de olabileceğini unutmayınız.
Özel Ders
THY Havacılık İngilizcesi Sınavında uygulanan formata göre pratik yaparak çalışılır.
Part 1 için, kişisel ve havacılıkla ilgili konularda karşılıklı soru cevap yaparak yanlışlarınız düzeltilir ve alternatif cevaplar oluşturulur.
Part 2 için, gerçek sınavda çıkmış senaryo ve soru örnekleriyle pratik yapılır.
Part 3 için, örnek resimler farklı havacılık terimleri kullanılarak betimlenir. Yanlışlarınız düzeltilerek cevaplarınız geliştirilir.
Aşağıdaki iletişim bilgileri ya da İletişim sayfasındaki form üzerinden bizimle temasa geçebilirsiniz.
Hazırlayan: Zehra Buberoğlu
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